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 * index.js: Top-level include for the repository module.
 * (C) 2010, Nodejitsu Inc.

var Git = require('./git').Git,
    Npm = require('./npm').Npm,
    Tar = require('./tar').Tar,
    Zip = require('./zip').Zip,
    LocalFile = require('./local-file').LocalFile;

Export Components

Export relevant components of the repositories module

exports.Repository = require('./repository').Repository;

function create (app, options)

@app {Object} The application to create the repository for

@options {Object} Options to pass along to the repository

Creates a repository for the specified application by switching off `app.repository.type' in the application package.json manifest.

exports.create = function (app, options) {

Perform validation on app before we attempt to create a repository

  var validate = exports.validate(app), factory, type;
  if (!validate.valid) {
    throw new Error(JSON.stringify(validate.errors));
  factory = {
    git: function () {
      return new Git(app, options);
    npm: function () {
      return new Npm(app, options);
    tar: function () {
      return new Tar(app, options);
    zip: function () {
      return new Zip(app, options);
    local: function () {
      return new LocalFile(app, options);
  type = app.repository.type.toLowerCase();
  if (factory[type]) {
    return factory[type]();
  else {
    throw new Error('Cannot create repository for unknown type ' + type);

function validatePackage (pkg)

@pkg {Object} The package.json manifest to validate

Validates the package.json manifest for the basic haibu usage.

exports.validate = function (pkg) {
  function invalid (prop) {
    return {
      errors: {
        property: prop,
        message: 'Property ' + prop + ' is required'

Check for the basic required properties needed for haibu

  var i, required = ['name', 'user', 'repository', 'scripts'];
  for (i = 0; i < required.length; i++) {
    if (!pkg[required[i]]) {
      return invalid(required[i]);

Check for repository.type

  if (!pkg.repository.type) {
    return invalid('repository.type');

Check for scripts.start

  if (!pkg.scripts.start) {
    return invalid('scripts.start');
  return {
    valid: true