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 * service.js: RESTful JSON-based web service for the drone module.
 * (C) 2010, Nodejitsu Inc.
var journey = require('journey'),
    haibu = require('haibu');

function createRouter (dron, logger)

@drone {Drone} Instance of the Drone resource to use in this router.

Creates the Journey router which represents the haibu Drone webservice.

exports.createRouter = function (drone) {

TODO (indexzero): Setup token-based auth for Drone API servers

Create the Router instance.

  var router = new(journey.Router)({ 
    strict: false,
    strictUrls: false,
    api: 'basic'

Default Root

GET / responds with default JSON message

  router.root.bind(function (response) {
    response.send(400, {}, { message: 'No drones specified' });

Version Binding

GET /version returns the version string for this webservice

TODO (indexzero): Consume haibu.version instead of journey.

  router.get(/\/version[\/]?/).bind(function (response) {
    response.send(200, {}, { version: journey.version.join('.') });
  router.path('/config', haibu.config.addRoutes());

Drones Resource

Routes for RESTful access to the Drone resource.

  router.path('/drones', function () {

List Drones

GET /drones returns list of all drones managed by the Drone associated with this router.

    this.get().bind(function (response) {
      var data = { drones: drone.list() };
      response.send(200, {}, data);

Show Drone

GET /drones/:id shows details of a drone managed by the Drone associated with this router.

    this.get(/\/([\w|\-]+)/).bind(function (response, id) {
      var data = drone.show(id);
      if (typeof data === 'undefined') {
        response.send(404, {}, { message: 'No drone(s) found for application ' + id });
      else {
        response.send(200, {}, data);

Start Drone

POST /drone/:id/start starts a new drone for app with :id on this server.

    this.post(/\/([\w|\-]+)\/start/).bind(function (response, id, data) {
      drone.start(data.start, function (err, result) {
        if (err) {
          return response.send(500, {}, { error: err });
        response.send(200, {}, { drone: result.drone });

Stop Drone

POST /drone/:id/stop stops all drones for app with :id on this server.

    this.post(/\/([\w|\-]+)\/stop/).bind(function (response, id, data) {
      drone.stop(data.stop.name, function (err, result) {
        if (err || !result) {
          return response.send(500, {}, { error: err || new Error('Unknown error from drone.') });

Restart Drone

POST /drone/:id/restart restarts all drones for app with :id on this server.

    this.post(/\/([\w|\-]+)\/restart/).bind(function (response, id, data) {
      drone.restart(data.restart.name, function (err, drones) {
        if (err) {
          return response.send(500, {}, { error: err });
        response.send(200, {}, { drones: drones });

Clean Drone

POST /drones/:id/clean removes all of the dependencies and source files for the app with :id on this server.

    this.post(/\/([\w|\-]+)\/clean/).bind(function (response, id, data) {
      drone.clean(data, function (err, drones) {
        if (err) {
          return response.send(500, {}, { error: err });
        response.send(200, {}, { clean: true });
  return router;