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 * index.js: Top level module include for log module.
 * (C) 2010, Nodejitsu Inc.

var winston = require('winston'),
    haibu = require('haibu');

Define the set of loggers and inputs used by this module

var logger     = exports,
    loggers    = {},
    listening  = {}
    inputs     = ['haibu', 'drone'];

Setup mapping of special namespaces to inputs

var namespaces = {
  'drone': 'drone'

var defaultConfig = {
  console: {
    level: 'silly',
    colorize: false

Define a value indicating if this module is initialized

logger.initialized = false;

function init (options, callback)

@options {Object} Options to initialize this plugin with

@callback {function} Continuation to respond to when complete

Initalizes the logger plugin in the current haibu environment.

logger.init = function (options) {
  if (logger.initialized) {

Monkey punch haibu.emit to allow for lazy listening of logging events.

  var _emit = haibu.emit;
  haibu.emit = function (ev) {
    if (ev !== 'newListener') {
      if (!listening[ev]) {
        listening[ev] = true;
        haibu.on(ev, function () {
          var args = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments);
          logEvent.apply(null, args);

      _emit.apply(haibu, arguments);

Initialize a new winston logger for each input

  inputs.forEach(function (input) {
    initInput(input, options);
  logger.initialized = true;

function initInput (input, options) Helper function for initializing individual inputs used by the logging module's methods e.g. drone, app, etc

function initInput (input, options) {
  var transports = [];

Create the transports for this input. Here we are defaulting to Console and Loggly.

  transports.push(new winston.transports.Console(options.console || defaultConfig.console));

Only add the Loggly transport if the input token is in the options passed to 'init'

  if (options.loggly && options.loggly.inputs[input]) {
    transports.push(new winston.transports.Loggly({
      subdomain: options.loggly.subdomain,
      level: options.loggly.level || null,
      inputToken: options.loggly.inputs[input]

Create the winston logger for this input.

Remark: forever will take care of this console output being saved to the appropriate file.

  loggers[input] = new winston.Logger({ transports: transports });

Define the core logging functions for all relevant inputs ['drone', 'app'] <=> log.drone.info ...

  logger[input] = loggers[input];

function logEvent (ev, level, msg, meta) {
  var name = ev.split(':')[0];
      input = namespaces[name] || 'haibu',
      log = loggers[input];
  if (!meta) {
    meta = msg;
    msg = null;
  if (msg) {
    meta.desc = msg;
  log[level](ev, meta);