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 * zip.js: Implementation of the repository pattern for remote zip files.
 * (C) 2010, Nodejitsu Inc.

var sys = require('sys'),
    fs = require('fs'),
    path = require('path'),
    eyes = require('eyes'),
    exec = require('child_process').exec,
    RemoteFile = require('./remote-file').RemoteFile;

function Zip (app, options)

@app {Object} The application to create the repository for

@options {Object} Options to pass along to the repository

Constructor function for the Zip repository.

var Zip = function (app, options) {
  RemoteFile.call(this, app, options);

Inherit from the RemoteFile repository

sys.inherits(Zip, RemoteFile);

function init (callback)

@callback {function} Continuation to pass control back to when complete.

Initializes this instance by checking the app, then installing npm dependencies, then downloading files located in repository to the target directory set on this.appDir

Zip.prototype.init = function (callback) {
  var self = this;
  self.installDependencies(function (err, installed, packages) {
    if (err) {
      return callback(err);
    self.fetch(function (err, packageFile) {
      if (err) {
        return callback(err);
      var command = 'unzip -u ' + packageFile + ' -d ' + self.appDir;
      exec(command, function (err, stdout, stderr) {
        self.stat(function (err, exists) {
          if (err) {
            return callback(err);

          var files = stdout.split('\n').splice(1).map(function (line) { 
            return line.slice(13);
          callback(null, true, files, packages);

exports.Zip = Zip;