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 * git.js: Implementation of the repository pattern for remote git repositories.
 * (C) 2010, Nodejitsu Inc.

var sys = require('sys'), 
    path = require('path'),
    eyes = require('eyes'),
    exec = require('child_process').exec,
    haibu = require('haibu'),
    Npm = require('./npm').Npm;

function Git (app, options)

@app {App} Application manifest to wrap

@options {Object} Options for this instance

Constructor function for the Git repository object. Responsible for cloning, and updating Git repositories.

var Git = exports.Git = function (app, options) {
  Npm.call(this, app, options);

Inherit from the Npm repository.

sys.inherits(Git, Npm); 

function init (callback)

@callback {function} Continuation to respond to.

Initializes the git repository associated with the application and this instance. Checks out the specific branch in app.repository.branch if it exists. Initializes and updates git submodules. Initializes npm dependencies through calling self.installDependencies.

Git.prototype.init = function (callback) {
  var self = this;
  self.installDependencies(function (err, installed, packages) {
    if (err) {
      return callback(err);
    haibu.emit('git:clone', 'info', { 
      url: self.app.repository.url, 
      dir: self.appDir, 
      app: self.app.name,
      type: 'git',
      username: self.app.user

TODO (indexzero): Validate the security of this regular expression since it is on the command line.

    var commands, match = self.app.repository.url.match(/\/([\w|\-|\_|\.|\d]+)\.git$/);
    if (!match) {
      return callback(new Error('Invalid git url: ' + self.app.repository.url));

Set the home directory of the app managed by this instance.


Setup the git commands to be executed

    commands = [
      'cd ' + self.appDir + ' && git clone ' + self.app.repository.url,
      'cd ' + path.join(self.appDir, match[1])
    if (self.app.repository.branch) {
      commands[1] += ' && git checkout ' + self.app.repository.branch;

    commands[1] += ' && git submodule init && git submodule update';

    function executeUntilEmpty() {
      var command = commands.shift();

Remark: Using 'exec' here because chaining 'spawn' is not effective here

      exec(command, function (err, stdout, stderr) {
        if (err !== null) {
          haibu.emit('git:clone', 'error', { 
            url: self.app.repository.url, 
            dir: self.appDir, 
            app: self.app.name,
            error: err.message,
            command: command, 
            type: 'git',
            username: self.app.user
          callback(err, false, packages);
        else if (commands.length > 0) {
        else if (commands.length === 0) {
          callback(null, true, packages);


function update (callback)

@callback {function} Continuation to respond to.

Updates the git repository associated with the application and this instance. Checks out the specific branch in app.repository.branch if it exists, then updates git submodules. Updates npm dependencies through calling self.installDependencies.

Git.prototype.update = function (callback) {
  var self = this, commands = [
    'cd ' + this.appDir + '/' + this.app.directories.home + ' && git pull ' + this.app.repository.url + ' ' + this.app.repository.branch || 'master',
    'cd ' + this.appDir + '/' + this.app.directories.home + ' && git submodule update'
  haibu.emit('git:update', 'info', { 
    url: self.app.repository.url, 
    dir: [self.appDir, this.app.directories.home].join('/'), 
    app: self.app.name,
    type: 'git',
    username: self.app.user
  function executeUntilEmpty() {
    var command = commands.shift();

Remark: Using 'exec' here because chaining 'spawn' is not effective here

    exec(command, function (err, stdout, stderr) {
      if (err !== null) {
        haibu.emit('git:update', 'error', { 
          url: self.app.repository.url, 
          dir: [self.appDir, self.app.directories.home].join('/'), 
          app: self.app.name,
          error: err.message,
          command: command, 
          type: 'git',
          username: self.app.user
        callback(err, false);
      else if (commands.length > 0) {
      else if (commands.length === 0) {
        self.installDependencies(function () {

Ignore errors right now

          callback(null, true);