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 * client.js: API Client for the haibu Drone API.
 * (C) 2010, Nodejitsu Inc.

var sys = require('sys'), 
    fs = require('fs'),
    path = require('path'),
    eyes = require('eyes'),
    request = require('request'),
    haibu = require('haibu');

Failure HTTP Response codes based off of /lib/haibu/drone/service.js

var failCodes = {
  400: 'Bad Request',
  404: 'Item not found',
  500: 'Internal Server Error'

Success HTTP Response codes based off of /lib/haibu/drone/service.js

var successCodes = {
  200: 'OK'

function Client (options)

@options {Object} Options to use for this instance.

Constructor function for the Client to the haibu Haibu server.

var Client = exports.Client = function (options) {
  if (!options.host) {
    throw new Error('options.host is required.');

TODO (indexzero): Configure the drone port globally somewhere.

  this.options = options;
  this.options.port = this.options.port || 9000;

function get (name, callback)

@name {string} name of the application to get from the Haibu server.

@callback {function} Continuation to pass control back to when complete.

Gets the data about all the drones for the app with the specified name on the remote Haibu server.

Client.prototype.get = function (name, callback) {
  this._request('GET', '/drones/' + name, callback, function (res, result) {
    callback(null, result);

function start (app, callback)

@app {Object} Application to start on the Haibu server.

@callback {function} Continuation to pass control back to when complete.

Starts the the app with the specified app.name on the remote Haibu server.

Client.prototype.start = function (app, callback) {
  this._request('POST', '/drones/' + app.name + '/start', { start: app }, callback, function (res, result) {
    callback(null, result);

function stop (name, callback)

@name {string} Name of the application to stop on the Haibu server.

@callback {function} Continuation to pass control back to when complete.

Stops the application with the specified name on the remote Haibu server.

Client.prototype.stop = function (name, callback) {
  this._request('POST', '/drones/' + name + '/stop', { stop: { name: name } }, callback, function (res, result) {
    callback(null, null);

function restart (name, callback)

@name {string} Name of the application to restart on the Haibu server.

@callback {function} Continuation to pass control back to when complete.

Restarts the application with the specified :id on the remote Haibu server.

Client.prototype.restart = function (name, callback) {
  this._request('POST', '/drones/' + name + '/restart', { restart: { name: name } }, callback, function (res, result) {
    callback(null, result.drones);

function clean (app, callback)

@app {Object} Application to clean on the Haibu server.

@callback {function} Continuation to pass control back to when complete.

Client.prototype.clean = function (app, callback) {
  this._request('POST', '/drones/' + app.name + '/clean', app, callback, function (res, result) {
    callback(null, result);

@remoteUri {string}

Full URI for the remote Haibu server this client is configured to request against.

Client.prototype.__defineGetter__('remoteUri', function () {
  return 'http://' + this.options.host + ':' + this.options.port;

@private _request (method, uri, [body], callback, success)

@method {string} HTTP verb to request with

@uri {string} Path to request on the Haibu server

[@body] {Object} JSON object to use as the body of the request

@callback {function} Continuation to short-circuit to if request is unsuccessful.

@success {function} Continuation to call if the request is successful

Core method for making requests against the haibu Drone API. Flexible with respect to continuation passing given success and callback.

Client.prototype._request = function (method, uri /* variable arguments */) {
  var options, args = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments),
      success = args.pop(),
      callback = args.pop(),
      body = typeof args[args.length - 1] === 'object' && args.pop();
  options = {
    method: method || 'GET',
    uri: this.remoteUri + uri,
    headers: {
      'Content-Type': 'application/json'
  if (body) {
    options.body = JSON.stringify(body);
  request(options, function (err, response, body) {
    if (err) {
      return callback(err);
    var error, result, statusCode = response.statusCode.toString();
    try {
      result = JSON.parse(body);
    catch (ex) {

Ignore Errors

    if (Object.keys(failCodes).indexOf(statusCode) !== -1) {
      error = new Error('haibu Error (' + statusCode + '): ' + failCodes[statusCode]);
      error.result = result;
      return callback(error);
    success(response, result);