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 * proxy.js: Responsible for proxying across all applications available to haibu.
 * (C) 2010, Nodejitsu Inc.

var util = require('util'),
    path = require('path'),
    fs = require('fs'),
    events = require('events'),
    async = require('async'),
    colors = require('colors'),
    qs = require('querystring'),
    httpProxy = require('http-proxy'),
    haibu = require('haibu');


Regular expression parsers for handling different persistent storage files used by haibu.

var matchers = {
  app: /^([\w|\-]+)\.package\.json/,
  pid: /^([\w|\-]+)\.(\d+)\.json/

function Balancer (options)

@options {Object} Options for this instance.

Constructor function for the haibu Balancer responsible for load balancing across all applications know to haibu on this machine.

var Balancer = exports.Balancer = function (options) {
  var self = this;

Setup shared state and reverse-proxy using node-http-proxy.

  this.active    = {};
  this.httpProxy = new httpProxy.HttpProxy(options);
  this.processes = new haibu.ProcessStore(options);

Load files into Memory when they are found in the ProcessStore

  this.processes.on('created', function (file) {
    self._add(file, function () {
      self.emit('created', file);

Remove files from the Balancer when they are removed from the ProcessStore.

  this.processes.on('removed', function (file) {
    self.emit('removed', file);

Load all relevant files on initial load.

  this.processes.once('load', function (files) {
    function checkFile (file, next) {
      return files[file].isFile() ? self._add(file, next) : next();

    async.forEach(Object.keys(files), checkFile, function (err) {
      return err ? self.emit('error', err) : self.emit('ready', self.active);

Start monitoring for process files.


Inherit from events.EventEmitter.

util.inherits(Balancer, events.EventEmitter);

function handle (req, res)

@req {ServerRequest} Incoming server request to balancer

@res {ServerResponse} Outoing server request to write to.

Attempts to proxy the incoming request to the specified application by using the req.headers.host property.

Balancer.prototype.handle = function (req, res) {
  var record = this.findDrone(req), drone;
  if (!record) {
    return this.serveText(req, res, {
      code: 400, 
      message: 'Application not found for: ' + req.headers.host
  else if (!record.drones || record.drones.length === 0) {
    return this.serveText(req, res, {
      code: 400, 
      message: 'No drones for: ' + req.headers.host
  drone = record.drones.shift();
  this.httpProxy.proxyRequest(req, res, drone);

function findDrone (req)

@req {ServerRequest} Incoming server request to find drones against

Attempts to find a drone for the incoming server request by cross-referencing req.headers.host against the domain or domains property of each application known to haibu.

Balancer.prototype.findDrone = function (req) {
  var self = this, 
      host = req.headers.host.split('.'),
      domain = host.slice(-2).join('.');
  return Object.keys(this.active).map(function (app) {
    return self.active[app];
  }).filter(function (rec) {
    return rec.app.domain === domain || (rec.app.domains
      && rec.app.domains.indexOf(domain) !== -1);

function serveText (req, res, data)

@req {ServerRequest} Incoming server request

@res {ServerResponse} Outoing server request to write to.

Writes data.message to the outgoing res along with any metadata passed as data.meta.

Balancer.prototype.serveText = function (req, res, data) {
  var text = data.message; 
  if (data.meta) {
    text = [message, qs.unescape(qs.stringify(data.meta, ', '))].join(' | ');
  res.writeHead(data.code, {
    'Content-Length': data.length,
    'Content-Type': 'text/plain'
  if (req.method !== 'HEAD') {

function close ()

Closes this balancer by shutting down the child HttpProxy instance.

Balancer.prototype.close = function () {

function _add (file, callback)

@file {string} Filename to add to this instance.

@callback {function} Optional Continuation to respond to when complete.

Adds the data in the specified file to the managed state for this balancer instance.

Balancer.prototype._add = function (file, callback) {
  var self = this;
  fs.readFile(file, function (err, data) {
    if (err) {
      return callback ? callback(err) : null;
    try {
      var json = JSON.parse(data.toString()),
          app = self._parseFilename(file);
      if (app && app.type) {
        switch (app.type) {
          case 'package':
            self.active[app.name] = self.active[app.name] || {
              drones: []

            self.active[app.name].app = json;
          case 'pid':
            self.active[app.name] = self.active[app.name] || {
              drones: []

              pid: json.pid,
              host: json.host,
              port: json.port

      return callback ? callback() : null;
    catch (ex) {
      return callback ? callback(ex) : null;

function _remove (file)

@file {string} Filename to remove from this instance

Removes the data in the specified file from the managed state for this instance.

Balancer.prototype._remove = function (file) {
  var app = this._parseFilename(file), index;
  if (app && app.type) {
    switch (app.type) {
      case 'package':
        delete this.active[app.name];
      case 'pid':
        if (this.active[app.name] && this.active[app.name].drones) {
          index = this.active[app.name].drones.map(function (d) { 
            return d.pid;
          }).indexOf(parseInt(app.drone, 10));
          this.active[app.name].drones.splice(index, 1);

function _parseFilename (file)

@file {string} Filename to parse

Parses the data out of the specified file to be used in the managed application state for this instance.

Balancer.prototype._parseFilename = function (file) {
  var base = path.basename(file),
      match, drone, app;
  if (matchers.app.test(base)) {
    return {
      type: 'package',
      name: base.match(matchers.app)[1]
  else if (matchers.pid.test(base)) {
    match = base.match(matchers.pid);
    return {
      type:  'pid',
      name:  match[1],
      drone: match[2]
  return null;