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 * haibu.js: Top level include for the haibu module
 * (C) 2010, Nodejitsu Inc.

var fs = require('fs'),
    events = require('events');


var haibu = module.exports = new events.EventEmitter();

haibu.config       = require('haibu/core/config');
haibu.utils        = require('haibu/utils');
haibu.Spawner      = require('haibu/core/spawner').Spawner;
haibu.ProcessStore = require('haibu/core/process-store').ProcessStore;
haibu.repository   = require('haibu/repositories');
haibu.drone        = require('haibu/drone');
haibu.balancer     = require('haibu/balancer');
haibu.initialized  = false;
haibu.plugins      = {};
haibu._plugins     = {};

function init (options, callback) Initializes haibu directories and models

haibu.init = function (options, callback) {
  if (haibu.initialized) {
    return callback();

  haibu.config.load(options, function (err) {
    haibu.utils.initDirectories(function () {
      haibu.initialized = true;

function use (plugin)

@plugin {Object} Instance of a plugin from haibu.plugins

Adds the specified plugin to the set of active plugins used by haibu.

haibu.use = function (plugin) {
  var args = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments),
      callback = typeof args[args.length - 1] === 'function' && args.pop(),
      options = args.length > 1 && args.pop();
  haibu._plugins[plugin.name] = plugin;
  plugin.init(options, callback);

Define each of our plugins as a lazy loaded require statement

fs.readdirSync(__dirname + '/haibu/plugins').forEach(function (plugin) {
  plugin = plugin.replace('.js', '');
  haibu.plugins.__defineGetter__(plugin, function () {
    return require('./haibu/plugins/' + plugin);